ddm Ausgabe 3 | 2020
ddm | Ausgabe 3 | 2020 49 Kollegentipp Dr. med. dent. Maximiliane Amelie Schlenz, M.Sc. • 2010 – 2015 Studium der Zahn- heilkunde an der Justus-Liebig- Universität Gießen • 12 / 2015 Approbation als Zahnärztin • 2016 Vorbereitungsassistentin in Zahnarztpraxis • seit 05 / 2016 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Zahnärztin der Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Pro- thetik der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen / des Universitätsklinikums Gießen • 2018 Promotion zum Dr. med. dent. an der Justus-Liebig-Universi- tät Gießen (summa cum laude) • 2019 Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Zahnärztlicher Prothetik, Universi- tät Greifswald • Tätigkeitschwerpunkt: Digitale Prothetik, Biomaterialwissenschaf- ten, Implantatprothetik Literaturverzeichnis 1. Pimenta, M.A., et al., Evaluation of marginal and internal fit of ceramic and metallic crown copings using x-ray micro- tomography (micro-CT) technology. J Prosthet Dent, 2015. 114(2): p. 223-8. 2. Neves, F.D., et al., Micro-computed tomography evaluation of marginal fit of lithium disilicate crowns fabricated by using chairside CAD/CAM systems or the heat-pressing technique. J Prosthet Dent, 2014. 112(5): p. 1134-40. 3. Boitelle, P., et al., A systematic review of CAD/CAM fit restoration evaluations. J Oral Rehabil, 2014. 41(11): p. 853-74. 4. Nakamura, T., et al., Marginal and internal fit of Cerec 3 CAD/CAM all-ceramic crowns. Int J Prosthodont, 2003. 16(3): p. 244-8. 5. Rezende, C.E., et al., Effect of cement space on stress distribution in Y-TZP based crowns. Dent Mater, 2017. 33(2): p. 144-151. 6. Lee, D.H., Digital approach to assessing the 3-dimensional misfit of fixed dental prostheses. J Prosthet Dent, 2016. 116(6): p. 836-839. 7. Boitelle, P., et al., Evaluation of the mar- ginal fit of CAD-CAM zirconia copings: Comparison of 2D and 3D measurement methods. J Prosthet Dent, 2018. 119(1): p. 75-81. 8. Tsitrou, E.A., S.E. Northeast, and R. van Noort, Evaluation of the marginal fit of three margin designs of resin composite crowns using CAD/CAM. J Dent, 2007. 35(1): p. 68-73. 9. Wostmann, B., et al., Influence of margin design on the fit of high-precious alloy restorations in patients. J Dent, 2005. 33(7): p. 611-8. 10. Ji, M.K., et al., Evaluation of marginal fit of 2 CAD-CAM anatomic contour zirconia crown systems and lithium disilicate glass-ceramic crown. J Adv Prosthodont, 2015. 7(4): p. 271-7. 11. Reich, S., et al., Clinical fit of all-ceramic three-unit fixed partial dentures, generated with three different CAD/CAM systems. Eur J Oral Sci, 2005. 113(2): p. 174-9. 12. Bosniac, P., P. Rehmann, and B. Wost- mann, Comparison of an indirect impres- sion scanning system and two direct intraoral scanning systems in vivo. Clin Oral Investig, 2019. 23(5): p. 2421-2427. 13. Kuhn, K., et al., Comparison of an analog and digital quantitative and qualitative analysis for the fit of dental copings. Comput Biol Med, 2015. 57: p. 32-41. 14. Mai, H.N., et al., Effects of image and education on the precision of the measu- rement method for evaluating prosthesis misfit. J Prosthet Dent, 2018. 119(4): p. 600-605. 15. Mostafa, N.Z., et al., Marginal Fit of Lithium Disilicate Crowns Fabricated Using Conventional and Digital Metho- dology: A Three-Dimensional Analysis. J Prosthodont, 2018. 27(2): p. 145-152. 16. Schlenz, M.A., et al., Chairside measu- rement of the marginal and internal fit of crowns: a new intraoral scan-based approach. Clin Oral Investig, 2020. 24(7): p. 2459-2468. 17. Schlenz, M.A., et al., New Intraoral Scanner-Based Chairside Measurement Method to Investigate the Internal Fit of Crowns: A Clinical Trial. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020. 17(7): p. 2182. 18. May, L.G., et al., Effects of cement thick- ness and bonding on the failure loads of CAD/CAM ceramic crowns: multi-physics FEA modeling and monotonic testing. Dent Mater, 2012. 28(8): p. e99-109. Kontakt Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Zentrum für ZMK-Heilkunde – Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik Schlangenzahl 14 D-35392 Gießen maximiliane.a.schlenz@dentist.med.uni-giessen.de
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